JonOne's signature

Faïencerie de Gien, Fine earthenware

© Gwen Le Bras

In 2020, la Faïencerie de Gien invited three internationally renowned artists from different continents – French artist Inès Longevial, American artist JonOne and Chinese artist Peng Yong – to work on two extraordinary pieces, a vase over a meter high and a large plate. This surprising line-up marked the tricentennial of the faience factory.

The vase inspired me to have a volcanic effect through its shape… I made this vase on a full moon night; my mind was volcanic itself… I wanted to find an atypical aesthetic that differed from usual vases (…). I had the chance to work twice with the oldest ceramic factory in Lisbon, Portugal. There I understood the contact with this material. So, I saw this vase as a work of art or a canvas… The medium didn’t scare me.”